Ms. Sheri Coulter » Expectations


Welcome to my classroom:
*be on time...teaching/learning begins at 7:20 (if your child will be eating breakfast at school, they need to arrive at 7:00 a.m.)  (if they show up late, they will miss important learning opportunities)
*ATTENDANCE: I have incentives for students that are present and on time; ticket system for treats and treasures
*Pirate Commitments: Be Safe (follow school and classroom expectations) Be Responsible (come to school with your pirate folder every day) Be Respectful ( take care of your school and classroom property, ask permission before touching someone else's things )
*Be kind to everyone and kindness will come back to you!
*Report Cards: We do not send home paper copies of report cards, they can be accessed through Skyward.  Classroom work will come home in student's pirate folder.  This folder should be checked daily.  I will grade classwork with checks for correct answers and will highlight incorrect work, so that you will know what your child is struggling with.  If you any questions please send me a Dojo message with a picture of the page and I will happily answer your questions
*Communication:  Mrs. Alonso and I use Classroom Dojo to communicate efficiently and in a timely manner.  You can email us, but please know we do not check emails during the learning hours.  We check emails before and after school hours, so answers to emails will be delayed.